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Wayzata High School

Wayzata High School



High School Music Technology Lab

Plymouth, MN




Like most high schools, the WHS auditorium has many users with limited time available for rehearsals.

Mark Gitch, Director of Orchestras at Wayzata High School (WHS) in Plymouth, Minnesota believes it’s difficult for musicians to make transitions between rehearsal and performance environments. He was honored to aid in the development of Wenger’s VAE technology, using WHS to pilot the equipment. 

“Of course, the student’s first reactions following the installation were memorable …there was the Wow! factor, the Ooohs and Aaahs. They wanted to try all the different settings.” comments Gitch.
However, Gitch appreciated how rapidly his students moved beyond enchantment with the technology to listening to themselves, and to each other, differently.

Gitch describes the beauty of the VAE Rehearsal System as
threefold. First, its simplicity makes the system very easy to use. The environment can be changed at the touch of a button, even from the podium when the control panel is positioned next to him. Students can also be allowed to operate the system.

Second, the system’s different acoustic environments offer flexibility; because they are preset, he doesn’t have to worry about them. “We can just play,” he notes.

Finally, the digital record and playback capability works with any of the nine acoustical settings – for immediate listening in rehearsal,
to save for future use or to create an audition recording.
If desired, the VAE technology can also be muted for recording.

“The VAE Rehearsal System enables a smooth transition between rehearsal and performance for our musicians,” Gitch concludes. “Now when we’re physically rehearsing in our orchestra room, we can feel like we’re really rehearsing on our stage or we can choose an acoustically drier environment if we like. The system gives us many options.”




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